Texpo International started off by trading in textiles and then sourcing Chemicals and Dyes. Currently Texpo holds over 10 different categories of product which are supplied from China and Hong Kong to India, SEA, Middle East.

Unlike regular trading companies, we also handle logistic aspects for our clients. We manage port-to-port as well as factory to port transportation. With the support of our volumes and regular contracts, we use recognized and reliable shipping companies to warrant shipments of goods from source are on schedule. By monitoring the choice and availability of space on vessels, we provide and choose options based on buyers needs and suitability of voyage time and costs. We specialize in containerized cargo and we are able to save costs for buyers by providing efficient logistics solutions.

Risk Management
Every business and organization has to face and efficiently manage risks. With our expertise of risk management, we help our clients to identify, assess and control these risks by rationalizing the threats for each transaction and mitigating the risks via insurance, financial management and controls.
It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typeseeting. remaining essential unchanged.
Market Research & Data
Either if you are entering a new market or expanding in an existing one, you can count on our in-depth knowledge and data of local and international markets. We can provide you access to a thriving network of buyers helping your products to be distributed consistently with growth and stability.

We help to facilitate trades with our long-established banking relations, providing our clients with flexible and creative financing options and competitive pricing.

Reach us!
Connect with us to explore limitless possibilities and experience reliability that's been there for over 50 years